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Welcome to the Bioinformatics Program at Iowa State!

Choose Your BCBio Adventure

What is Bioinformatics? Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (BCBio) is an interdisciplinary science at the interfaces of the biological, informational and computational sciences. The science focuses on a variety of topics including gene expression, molecular and cellular systems, and networks. Graduates with a B.S. readily find employment in agricultural and medical biotechnology industries, academia, national laboratories, and clinics. Many students continue their education in bioinformatics graduate programs.

Why choose Bioinformatics at Iowa State?  At Iowa State, the Bioinformatics major is administered by 3 different departments (GDCB, COM S, MATH). The large group of participating faculty provides students with a multidimensional perspective on bioinformatics and presents them with a broad range of possibilities to get involved in research. Freshmen have the unique opportunity to participate in state-of-the-art research by enrolling in a developmental biology lab utilizing the CRISPR/Cas 9 system to perform gene editing in a model organism, the zebrafish. In addition to research, freshmen bioinformatics majors participate in a learning community to provide students with support and a sense of community, while offering the benefits and opportunities of a major research university.

Choose Bioinformatics at Iowa State for your next adventure!

Student Spotlight

BCBio major Olivia Johnson has a summer research internship with the University of Minnesota Life Sciences Summer Research Program (LSSURP), in their cancer biology CREATE group. Her project uses bioinformatics approaches to analyze single cell RNA Seq data, investigating chemotherapy responses in patients with ovarian and colon cancers. Congratulations Livvy!

Spring 2023 BCBio Graduates


participated in undergraduate research.


felt prepared for the next step in their careers.


placement rate