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Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Degree Requirements

Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Academic Plan

prrs virus evolution diagram
Research figure of PRRS virus evolving during disease (Dorman).

Bioinformatics and Computational Biology is an interdisciplinary science at the interfaces of the biological, informational and computational sciences. The science focuses on a variety of topics. These include gene identification, expression, and evolution; RNA, protein, and genome structure; and molecular and cellular systems and networks. The large group of participating faculty provides students with a multidimensional perspective on bioinformatics and computational biology and presents them with broad range of possibilities to get involved in research.

This major will prepare students for careers at the interfaces of biological, informational and computational sciences. BCBio graduates with a B.S. seeking direct employment will find ready markets for their talents in agricultural and medical biotechnology industries, as well as in academia, national laboratories, and clinics. Although some students find employment directly after their baccalaureate training, many students will continue their education in one of the many excellent graduate programs in bioinformatics and computational biology that now exist.

Participation in this field requires that students achieve a high level of competence not only in biology, but also in mathematics, computer science, and statistics. As a result, the program includes required courses from many different disciplines. Graduates demonstrate an above-average ability to synthesize methods from these different disciplines to solve problems. 

In addition to basic degree requirements listed in the Curriculum in Liberal Arts and Sciences, BCBio majors must satisfy the following requirements to earn a B.S. in BCBio.

Core Courses. Core coursework provides students with a broad foundation in the biological sciences, mathematics, computer science and statistics.

Course #Course NameTerm Offered
BCBio 1100 or GEN 1100OrientationF.
BCBio 3220Introduction to Bioinformatics and Computational BiologyF.
BCBio 4010Bioinformatics of SequencesALT Odd F.
BCBio 4060Bioinformatics of OMICSFall
BCBio 4900 (or BCBio 4910)Independent StudyF.S.SS.
BCBio 4910 (or BCBio 4900)Team Research ProjectsF.S.SS.
Biol 3130 & 3130L Cross-listed with Gen 3130 & 3130LPrinciples of Genetics & Genetics LaboratoryF.S.SS. F.S.
Com S 2270 & 2280**Introduction to Object-orientated Programming & Introduction to Data StructuresF.S.
Com S 3110Design and Analysis of AlgorithmsF.S.
Com S 3300 (or Cpr E 310 Theoretical Foundations of Comp Engrg)Discrete Computational StructuresF.S.
Math 1650 & 1660**Calculus I & IIF.S.SS

**Courses with a double asterisk are required for students in the BCBio major. If a student transfers into the BCBio major and has already taken the Com S 207/208 and/or Math 181/182 series, they can substitute those course options for these Com S and Math requirements. Students still need to request permission of instructors that require Com S 2270/2280 or Math 1650/1660 as a prerequisite to enroll in their course/s.

Complementary Course Requirements. Complementary courses are required to complement the core course requirements. What course options a student takes depends largely on their career interests and is best discussed with their faculty adviser.

Course #Course NameTerm Offered
Biol 2110 & 2110LPrinciples of Biology I and LaboratoryF.S.
Biol 2120 & 2120LPrinciples of Biology II and LaboratoryF.S.
Biol 3140 or Biol 3150. Biol Evolution or Gen 409. Mol GeneticsPrinciples of Molecular Cell BiologyF.S.
Chem 1630 & 1630L College Chemistry/L or Chem 1770, 1770L Gen Chem I/Lab & 1780 Gen Chem II or Chem 2010 & 2010L Adv Gen Chem/LabCollege Chemistry and Laboratory of College ChemistryF.S.SS
Chem 2310 & 2310L Elem Organic Chem/Lab or Chem 3310, 3310L Organic Chem I/Lab and Chem 3320, 3320L Organic Chem II/LabElementary Organic Chemistry and LaboratoryF.S.SS
Phys 1310 & L General Physics or Phys 2210 & L Intro to Classical Physics 1 or Phys 1150 & 1150L Physics for the Life Sciences/LabGeneral PhysicsF.S.SS
Stat 3300***Probability and Statistics for Computer ScienceF.S.
Stat 4830***Empirical Methods for the Computational SciencesF

***The following other STAT courses may be substituted for STAT 330 and STAT 430, with permission of the BCBio Major. Stat 3300: Stat 1010, 1040, 1050, 2010, 2310, 3050, or 3410 and Stat 4300: Stat 3010, 4010, or 4320.

Bioinformatics Support Electives for the BCBio Major. Bioinformatics support electives allows students to tailor their degree program to their interests. Choose 3-9 credits from the approved list.

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences General Education Requirements. In addition to the other General Education requirements of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences outlined in the ISU Catalog, communications and English proficiency requirements are met by ENGLl 1500, 2500 or 2500H, and an additional English writing course chosen from ENGL 3090 or Engl 3140. The lowest grade acceptable in ENGL 1500, 2500 or 2500H is C-. The average GPA of all courses in the major must be 2.0 or higher. The major must contain at least 8 credits in ISU courses numbered 3000 or above and in which the student's grade is C or higher.

Minor in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology

A student can now add a Minor in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology that requires 28 credits (effective fall 2015). Most students pursuing a minor in BCBio will be biology, genetics, computer science, computer engineering, statistics, or mathematics students who have already taken some of these courses for their major. Of the 28 credits required for the minor, 9 credits must be used only to fulfill the BCBio minor.

Minor in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Course Requirements

Biol 2110, 2120, Gen 3130, Com S 2270 and 2280 (COM S 1270 and MATH 1430 or higher are a pre-reqs for 2270), Stat 3300* BCBio 3220, 4010, 4060

*The following other Stat courses may be substituted for Stat 3300, with permission of the BCBio Major: Stat 3300: Stat 1010, 1040, 1050, 2010, 2310, 3050, or 3410